Automatic Dry Syrup Micro Doze Type Powder Filling Machine Automatic Dry Syrup Micro Doze Type Powder Filling Machine Automatic Dry Syrup Micro Doze Type Powder Filling Machine Automatic Dry Syrup Micro Doze Type Powder Filling Machine Automatic Dry Syrup Micro Doze Type Powder Filling Machine
Automatic Dry Syrup Micro Doze Type Powder Filling Machine
Automatic Dry Syrup Micro Doze Type Powder Filling Machine Automatic Dry Syrup Micro Doze Type Powder Filling Machine Automatic Dry Syrup Micro Doze Type Powder Filling Machine Automatic Dry Syrup Micro Doze Type Powder Filling Machine

Automatic Dry Syrup Micro Doze Type Powder Filling Machine

300000-2000000 INR

Product Details:


Automatic Dry Syrup Micro Doze Type Powder Filling Machine Price And Quantity

  • 300000-2000000 INR
  • 300000.00 - 2000000.00 INR
  • 1 Piece

Automatic Dry Syrup Micro Doze Type Powder Filling Machine Trade Information

  • Cash Against Delivery (CAD) Letter of Credit (L/C) Letter of Credit at Sight (Sight L/C) Telegraphic Transfer (T/T) Cash in Advance (CID) Cheque Cash Advance (CA)
  • 30 Piece Per Week
  • 4-6 Week
  • Yes
  • Contact us for information regarding our sample policy
  • wooden Packing Only
  • Australia North America South America Eastern Europe Western Europe Middle East Central America Africa Asia
  • All India
  • CE & ISO Certified

Product Description


Bottlesare coming from Single ways conveyor & stopping by star wheel & fillthrough dozing wheel, accordingly can fill up to 30 Gms up to 60 Gms can fillby double doze. Setting of the dozing size is to be made by the help of Dozingarrangement [dozer].

Out Put:




Fill Capacity:

2.5 gmsto 3.5 gms/ Single Doze with Different Powder Wheel & up to 60 Gms fill bydouble size Fill Depending On Neck Diameter and Powder Characteristics.




 +- 2% For Depending Upon The Consistency,Uniformity & Bulk Density Of Powder Under The Controlled Level of HumidityBelow 30%.




Operation of the Equipments:


Conveyortransfer the bottles on to the start plate which indexes the tubes to thepowder wheel where dosing of powder takes place. There is Single powder Wheelgiven for dozing of the powder in the bottles. The powder is stored in a hopperwhich is agitated by pair of mechanical agitators for maintaining consistencyand uniform bulk density.


Thepowder wheel has eight rotating ports which rotate at pre-determined speedbelow the powder hopper with practically no clearance. The wheel consists ofpiston in each port, behind which there is vacuum plate again without anyclearance with the help of spring pressure. Precise volume of powder is suckedwith the help of vacuum, volume defined by the piston length and diameter isdozed in to the tubes while getting index and achieving the position verticallyabove the tubes.



Technical Specifications:


Model No.

SBDPF - 60

No of Track


No of Powder Wheel



Antibiotics, Multivitamins And Protein Powder

Production Rate

up to 20 Fills / Min. for SINGLE Dose

Fill Capacity

2.5 gms to 3.5 gms with the help of Two Different Powder Wheel Depending on Neck diameter and Powder characteristics


+ 2% Depending upon the consistency, uniformity & bulk density of powder under the controlled level of humidity

Electrical Rating

0.75 HP (1400 RPM) Motor

Power Requirements

415 Volts, 3 phase (4 Wire System) 50 Hz.

Height of Conveyor

Adjustable from 800 mm. to 850 mm.


1270mm (L) x 600mm (W) x 1725mm (H)

 Input Specification:

Container Diameter

25mm to 70mm

Container Height

55mm to 120mm Maximum



Salient Features:



Design confirms GMPNorms.

All contact partsof SS 316

Powder wheel pistonadjustable depending to filling.

Body makes to M.S.angle structure all covering to SS 304.

Single bottlessetting separate adjusting for cantering to powder filling station. SalientFeatures of the Equipments.

No Container - NoFilling" system eliminates wastage of costly powder

Over Load Relay forany over load accident.

Imported Gear Boxwith motor.

A.C. FrequencyDrive

PLC based Control.

Acrylic Cabinetwith imported Aluminium Structure provided on extra cost.

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